The Arizona Hemophilia Association provides information about educational scholarships when we are made aware of them. Each scholarship provider has specific requirements. Be sure to read the requirements thoroughly. Please make sure to check back on each website for exact deadlines. Contact the funding source with any questions or concerns. Many have early deadlines, so apply as early as possible!

BioTek ReMEDys Educational Scholarship
Amount: Three $1,000 Scholarships
Candidate: Any individual who has been diagnosed with hemophilia or other significant bleeding disorder. Any individual whose immediate family member is attached to the hemophilia/bleeding disorder community.
Deadline: June 15th 2021
Contact: Hemophilia Federation of America Scholarship Committee
Phone: 202.675.6984
Beth Carew Memorial Scholarship
Amount: The number of scholarship awards vary, and the scholarship amounts range from $3,000 – $6,000 annually.
Candidate: Applicants must be diagnosed with an inherited bleeding disorder.
Deadline: Closed – Deadline for 2022 coming soon
Contact: Colburn-Keenan Foundation
PO Box 811 Enfield, CT 06083
Phone: 800-966-2431
Cascade Foundation of Southern Arizona Educational Scholarship
Amount: Varies – check foundation website
Candidate: Open to individuals with a bleeding disorder (Hemophilia, vWD, or other factor deficiency), or be the sibling or the child of an affected individual. Candidate must live in Southern Arizona.
Deadline: June 1st 2021
Contact: Cascade Foundation of Southern Arizona, Inc.
PO Box 40397 Tucson, AZ 85717
HFA Educational Scholarships
Amount: HFA awards scholarships to promising students in the bleeding disorders community. HFA provides 4 scholarships of $2,000-$4,000 in only three categories.
Educational Scholarship
Parent/Sibling/Child Educational Scholarship
Medical/Healthcare Services Educational Scholarship
Deadline: May 31st, 2022
Contact: Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA)
BioMatrix Memorial Scholarship Program
Amount: Six $1,500 scholarships
Deadline: August 1, 2021
Candidate: Varies
Contact: Hemophilia Federation of America
Phone: 202.675.6984
Soozie Courter 'Sharing a Brighter Tomorrow' Hemophilia Scholarship Program
Amount: Five $4,000 graduate scholarships and Ten $2,500 college scholarships, including vocational schools
Candidate: Students with hemophilia A or B. The program is open to high school seniors, students who have completed high school or an equivalent program (eg, graduate equivalency diploma [GED]), and students enrolled in junior college, college (undergraduate or graduate), or vocational school.
Deadline: Check Website for 2021-2022 Deadline
Contact: Pfizer Hemophilia Hotline
Phone: 1-844-202-9344
William N. Drohan Scholarship Fund
Amount: Varies – Check Website
Candidate: Applicants must have a parent who is a scientist, doctor, nurse, pharmacists and/or bleeding disorder healthcare professionals who are part of the comprehensive care team or have Hemophilia B or be a sibling of a person with Hemophilia B. Applicants must have applied to, been accepted at, an accredited college or university.
Contact: The Coalition for Hemophilia B
Deadline: Check Website for 2021-2022 Deadline
Phone: 212.520.8272
Brothers Healthcare Scholarship Award Program
Amount: Two $1,000 scholarships
Candidate: Applicants must attend an accredited technical school, college or university. Have a diagnosed bleeding disorder, OR be a parent, spouse, partner, child, or sibling of a person with a bleeding disorder. Have a GPA of 2.5 or above on a 4.0 scale and submit report card or transcript.
Deadline: April 1st, 2021
Contact: Brothers Healthcare
Phone: 800.291.1089
InfuCare RX Scholarship Program
Amount: Varies
Candidate: Applicants are not required to be patients of InfuCare Rx, but must have an eligible diagnosis (family members of diagnosed person are not eligible) and be a resident of the United States of America.
Deadline: April 30th, 2021
Contact: Factor InfuCare RX
Phone: 1-844-828-3940
George D. McCoy Education Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Candidate: Students with severe hemophilia A
Deadline: May 10th, 2021
Contact: George D. McCoy Scholarship Committee Hemophilia of North Carolina
Medexus B More Scholarship
Amount: Varies – Check website
Candidate: Be diagnosed with hemophilia B. Be a US citizen or legal US resident. Be entering or attending an accredited secondary education institution in the United States. Students who are pursuing or resuming a degree later in adulthood may apply even if there was a gap in their academic career.
Deadline: April 28th, 2021
Nate Slack Scholarship
Amount: (2) $1,000 educational scholarships.
Candidate: Be diagnosed with hemophilia or von Willebrand, or a parent/guardian or sibling who is impacted.
Deadline: May 27th, 2022
Contact: HF Healthcare
Phone: 805.981.1121
NovoSecure Scholarship Program
Amount: Check website for eligibility and scholarship amounts
Candidate: varies
Deadline: Check Website
Contact:Â Novo Nordisk, Inc.
Phone: 844-668-6732
Lawrence Madeiros Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Candidate: Â Diagnosed with a bleeding disorder or other chronic disorder.
Deadline: May 1st, 2021
Phone: 518.424.0970