Visitors & Drop-Ins

Welcome to CrossFit Incendia! Whether you’re visiting us for the first time or just passing through town, we’re excited to have you join us for a workout.

How to Drop In

We make it easy for you to experience our community and classes. Here are the ways you can join us for a class:

1. Fill Out the Drop-In Form

  1. Fill out the brief drop-in form.
  2. Once submitted, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the details you need for your first visit.
  3. Come ready to work hard, have fun, and get to know our awesome community!

2. Show Up 15 Minutes Before Class

  • Don’t have time to fill out the form? No problem! You can also just show up at least 15 minutes before your class starts.
  • Let our coach know you’re a drop-in, and we’ll get you set up for the session.
  • We do recommend filling out the form if you have a preferred class time or want to confirm availability.

Pricing for Drop-Ins

Traveling CrossFitters

A single class Drop-In is $30. If you plan to workout more than 2X during your stay, contact us for a weekly fee option.
Contact Us

Looking for a new gym family?

Try us for free! Local residents (with a valid ID) are eligible to receive a free workout on us!

What to Expect

Our classes are designed to challenge all fitness levels, so whether you’re new to CrossFit or a seasoned athlete, you’ll be able to modify the workouts as needed. Each class includes:

Things to Bring

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us directly at (623) 249-4416. We’re happy to help!

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