Important Considerations for a Home Addition

wood inlay floor in master bathroom addition in preston hollow

You love your home. I mean, why wouldn’t you? It’s in a neighborhood you love, with a master suite that’s just right, and a backyard that you and your family love to play in. The only problem? You’re – gasp! – running out of space. There’s always the option of moving… but what about the neighborhood, and the master suite, and the yard!?! Worry not – there’s another option: adding on. If you’re considering opting for an addition, pause and think over these important considerations first:

  • How much space will you need? With additions, the first square foot added is always the most expensive. Think of it this way: if you only added ten square feet to your home, you would still need to do all of the basic foundation/electrical/HVAC work you would do if you added 500 square feet. So, if you’re only looking to add a little extra space to your master closet, it might be a bit more budget-friendly to consider redistributing space on the inside rather than building out.
  • What are your lot’s setbacks? Setbacks are boundaries required by your municipality that designate areas of your land thatcan’t be built on – usually mandatory side or back yards to make sure you don’t back up to your neighbor’s home. Your contractor will be able to help you figure out where you can and can’t build, but it’s good to be aware of this issue beforegetting into design.
  • Can your exterior be matched? If your home is a gorgeous, century-old abode with gorgeous, century-old brick, it’s possible that you won’t be able to find a perfect brick match to install at the addition. If that’s the case, your builder or architect will be able to advise what she or he thinks will look best, whether that’s aiming for a close match or opting for a new material altogether. Side note: windows are another exterior item that may need to be coordinated. Of course, a whole-house exterior remodel can get pricey, but it will provide the unified look that makes it look like the addition was a part of the home to begin with.
  • Should you build up or out? If you’re already pushed up to your setbacks, building up may be the best solution. However, in most cases, building up (i.e. adding a second story to a one-story house) can add up fast – we’re talking six figures. If you have the space and the will, building out is probably your best bet.

If you’re interested in adding on to your home or have questions on how an addition would work, give us a ring. We’ve built up, out, and all around town and can help you figure out everything from setbacks to structural engineering.

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