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Your Turf

With Our Expert Maintenance Services

Turf Care Pros – Serving the Greater Phoenix Area

At Turf Care Pros, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care for your artificial turf investment. With over 30 years of combined experience, our family-owned business ensures that your turf stays lush, clean, and enjoyable year after year. Our expertly trained technicians use top-of-the-line tools and treatments to prolong the life of your turf and deliver results that will earn your repeat business and referrals.

Why Choose Us?

Elite Cleaning Products & Equipment

Our signature process uses the highest quality tools and treatments, proven for odor removal and turf rejuvenation

Highly-Trained, Friendly Staff

Our technicians are not only skilled but also committed to providing excellent customer service.

Guaranteed Results

We stand by our work with a satisfaction guarantee.

Get Started Today!

Experience the BEST in turf care in The Valley with Turf Care Pros. Contact us now to schedule your service or learn more about our packages.

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